Educational Videogame

Our developers designed an interactive browser-enabled digital game, to enable students from various contexts and with different equipment to be able to play. The gameplay is designed to span between 40 minutes and 1 hour – the duration of a regular school class. The game follows a role-playing game style, where players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. The main protagonist, a high school girl, is set out to solve a variety of cybersecurity-related challenges, native to different cybersecurity career profiles, to help her friends and schoolmates in a set of situations.
You can also check out a narrated walkthrough for each of the levels here:
Educational Resources for Students

We have developed a platform of open educational resources (OER) for training and awareness-raising for students and teachers.
The content is developed based on the competences defined in the European digital competency frameworks (Digcomp and DigCompEdu).
Preview Content for Students
(in English)
The platform also offers an online module on protecting personal data and privacy for secondary and vocational students.
Preview Content for Students in Your Own Moodle Platform
You can import the student’s content in your own Moodle platform! Download the files below!
eBook for Students

Within the Be@CyberPro Project, we have compiled an eBook, meant to inspire young girls to learn more about cybersecurity and cybersecurity professions through role models. The consortium partners have already conducted interviews with amazing women from Ireland, Spain, Hungary, and Bulgaria working in cybersecurity, which are featured in the eBook as well!